A tropico-brutalist 🌴 dark forest 🌞 provides a prime example of a complex system 🦍.
The interactions among species thereof range from extreme generalists (so-called NFT degens will consume most anything breathing in their path) to extreme specialists (Vitalik’s ‘rollup orchid’ with a foot-long development repo, can only be developed by an Ape with a soulbound dedication—neither would beat entropy without the other.)
Do you know what Messiaen think of Xenakis when the former caught a glimpse of the latter as a pupil?
A timpani, or a tabla?
Imagine a tension on the pluck of a finger with a string abstraction on a Lute.
pragma solidity >=0.G.M. <0.WAG.MI;
333>4’33” <—> Exit>Voice
Only a DeFi user can be designated as a degen.
Add another 5 timpanis.
Comet Orchid. Rival Dealer by Burial?
Ryder Ripps is more NRx than is Nick Land a u/acc-ist.
Oblique Strategies would be alive on-chain. I hope Eno is about to realize all that jazz.
Nothing compares to YSL in fashion and metaversal fashion suck big time.
‘Here was a man, Messiaen thought, “not like the others.”’
You are about to get sandwiched.
MEV bots are the real gentlemen.
You are the sandwich.