Welcome to another edition of the Gramajo Pintxo’s Newsletter.
In today’s newsletter, I’ll be going over my own journey as a creator, some knowledge I picked up this week, some news in the NFT space, and what I have my eye on this week.
What to expect: 1024 words a 7.9-minute read.
TLDR: Just do it, stop thinking. Looking at your phone before a workout can impact your performance. Azuki PBT could bridge physical and digital world. Tag mondoggg on Twitter asking what the 12m reward is.
Creative Corner
This week, I met up with CrookedWest IRL. For those that don't know him, he and some others run the clicc discord and group and is also an Alphadoggg member. We had a great conversation on life, art, overall web3. It is always great meeting people IRL and connecting with them.
This bear market is completely different this time around compared to others just due to having a web3 community with you. I appreciate every single one of you who are still taking the time to read this newsletter and for sending feedback.
For creative corner this week, after talking with CrookedWest and others, I am coming to the conclusion that I can plan and keep planning forever, but at some point, I just need to take the risk and launch my project. So stay tuned!
So this weeks bit of knowledge I picked up. As some of you may know, I am mostly a runner/triathlete or at least that is what I strive for (sometimes life gets in the way). But recently I have been trying to make working out or doing resistance training more of a thing. Back in high school for football I spent a ton of time at the gym. So I missed a bit of that.
So I have been going to the gym now for over eight weeks and during my sets I tend to journal, take notes, or listen to a book. But recently I found myself looking at social media and it got me thinking about your mental rest and if something as easy as doom scrolling on social media impacted your resistance training. Turns out one of the podcast I listen to frequently tackle this exact question.
It appears from a study, that fatiguing your mind even if it as something like scrolling social media can hinder your performance and get in the way of your gains.
Mindfulness and Mental Fatigue | 2min snip from The Stronger By Science Podcast — share.snipd.com 2min snip from Shortcomings of Body Composition Assessments, and Fitness-Related Applications of Mindfulness and Meditation | The Stronger By Science Podcast
NFT Space
A quick round up of what has happened in the space this past week (it is alot so buckle up).
I am not too into the Solana space (I have minted there before without much success) but I have used MagicEden before and seeing this kind of catty behavior from them is insane and against of what decentralized stands for. If MagicEden feel threatened by another marketplace they should just try and compete with them if they feel so strongly about their product.

Speaking of marketplaces that are putting in the work, objkt which is a big marketplace in Tezos (for those who don't collect on Tezos, also you should) has introduced tokens from other marketplaces including Versum, 8bit and now FXhash. Objkt continues to push their development during this bear and I look forward to their continued success.

YES! @objktcom now supporting @fx_hash_ projects as individual collections 🤌

The craziest story for me has to be this Azuki news. One thing I have spoken with at length with many on the Monster server is the bridge between the physical work and the digital world. We have seen some interesting examples of this from Luis Ponce and his table drop. To Evinco Winery DAO, DC Comics Hro NFT cards and more.
The biggest issue has always been of when you sell the physical asset how do you keep the correlated NFT together? Or what if you sell the digital good first how do you motivate the seller to continue their commimtment to send the physical asset? Well it looks like the Azuki team is trying to figure out some of these difficult questions by introducing a new standard.
How does it go about it? The Azuki PBT solves these problems via decentralized authentication. Each physical item will come with a ‘BEAN’ chip attached to them that verifies the NFT ownership. And the ownership will be verified via the blockchain. Azuki are dropping some gold skateboards to celebrate this launch.
Hopefully soon we will see the smaller monster with a pbt chip.

Lastly, I wanted to give a congrats to East and the new collector of this piece as it is epic and I am really enjoying the direction that East is going now.

Torn Between Me And The Thoughts Of Mine

For this coming week, I am looking forward to seeing this "wild" LOM airdrop that DesLucrece has for us. This past week we finished the Jack burn and it was epic. I also am looking forward to the doodle and pumpkin carving submissions especially after seeing Macvynls submissions which is INSANE. And after that we have another halloween drop (beyond broke at this point lol).

My submission for the 2022 Monster Pumpkin Carving Contest Plague Doctor @DesLucrece

The next drop I am excited for is the Alphadoggg Jake The Degen. I don't own many Jake pieces other than the Pepe so having another one in the vault will be an amazing add for me. The tweet and image below summarize really well what is coming next for Alphadoggg and it has been one of the best investments for me as the team keeps adding crazy talent.
I look forward to finding our who [redacted] is. Make sure to tag @mondoggg and ask what the 12m reward is haha.

Lineup of @alphadoggg_ Year One. Only made possible by friends and Web3 Family 💙🧡💙🤝🧡💙🧡🦜

Till next week CIAHOAD-Rick James
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